Working groups open house
As announced at the beginning of this month, we are pleased to warmly invite all Auroville residents to an Open Gathering to Meet and Greet with the Working Groups recently selected by the Residents’ Assembly. We would like to introduce ourselves and listen to whatever you would like to share with us.

Please join us on:

4:30 – 6:30 PM

The first part of our time together will be an open discussion with all of us, after which the members of each group will move to different areas where they can be approached for questions and discussions that are relevant to their area of work. You are then welcome to move outside to mingle over some light refreshments.

This first joint introductory gathering will be followed by invitations to the community from each group for their own Open House timings or meetings.

Qu'est-ce qu'Auroville ?

  • A UNESCO project endorsed 5 times
  • >3,000 people from 60 countries
  • Une expérience d'unité humaine
  • Une petite ville qui gère son système scolaire, ses dispensaires, ses déchets...